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200zł: -13% zniżki Horze & B Vertigo 430zł: -18% zniżki Horze & B Vertigo
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Pavo E’lyte is a easy-to-feed and complete mix of electrolytes to give to your horse before and after exercise, also when your horse sweats heavily and during periods of hot weather. Make sure there is always plenty of fresh water available. When your horse sweats, it does not only lose fluids but also essential body salts such as sodium, potassium and chloride. When these minerals, also known as electrolytes, are not replenished this can lead to fatigue and in extreme cases even to muscle damage.
Skład analityczny: Wapń 1,15 % Chlorki 10,5 g Dekstroza 6 % Potas 3,1 % Magnez 0,75 % Sód 0,75 % Fosfor 0,25 % Popiół surowy 26 % Włókno surowe 13 % Tłuszcz surowy 4,5 % Białko surowe 7,5 Skrobia 3 Cukier 11 % Dodatki: Witamina C 4.000 mg .
ID produktu: 329135